Sunday, April 17, 2011

New School Year

The boys were soooo excited to start school this year! They had picked out their own backpacks, and I had set out their cutest outfits. Carter was so proud to go to the "big boy school" like his brother Caleb. Here is Carter sporting his "k" for kindergarten. I can't believe my two boys are old enough to be at school all day!
 Caleb had the school thing down. He was going to be in second grade and he was ready. 
 Check out the excitement and in their eyes.
 Although I had two in school, I still had these two cute kids to keep me busy.
 Brody and Brinkley wanted to get in on the picture action too.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Uncle Scott is Home!

Uncle Scott is home! It was a LONG two years, but we loved writing him on Sunday's.

Peterson Beach Trip 2010

One of our favorite highlights of the year is the annual Peterson beach trip. This one was no exception. I did not take very many pictures. I had just gotten a nice, new camera and was afraid to use it. But, here are the few I did take: