Sunday, December 30, 2007

Picnic at the Park

What: A picnic at the park
Why: Spend time together as a family The menu:
*Tuna Fish sandwiches*
*Carrots, cucumber & ranch dip*
*Cherries & Oranges*
*Pink Lemonade*
(Don't playa hate-we don't always eat this healthy)

Me enjoying my grub (thanks Andy for the cute finger nail polish)

Brody muching on a cucumber
Caleb & Carter trying out their new presents from the Stauffer's (my parents)

As we were leaving Carter fell off his new bike for the first time. Our first reaction was to jump up & run over to save him. Then we hear him say in a PROUD voice, "I didn't get nooooo owwieee!"
Over dinner I was telling him what a tough boy he was because he didn't cry & he said "I'm tough mom, I am a Stauffer!" My mom was so proud!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas Fun I am too lazy to fix this...these pics were NOT supposed to be here....scroll down for the text. Ooops!

Brett & his fiancee Jennifer

Kathryn, Caleb & Natalie, cute faces!

Papa George scolding me, he loves to get his pic taken

Uncle Joe Joe & Caleb(did some one say cheese)

My faith in mankind has been restored.....okay only a little bit. diaper bag, wallet, and stroller were not returned (sad face). But while I was at the grocery store during the Christmas rush, some kind man helped me unload ALL my groceries. It was such a simple gesture, but I was so appreciative. I was holding Brody in one arm (mind you my arm was burning) so I was so happy for the extra hand.

Anyways...we had a WONDERFUL, FUN, FOOD-filled holiday. We were spoiled & made tons of memories while hanging out with family. We are so lucky to live 7 minutes away from both our parents. Here are a couple of my fav pics from the holiday weekend. On to bigger & better things in no more junk food(okay maybe just a little), no more going over budget, no more MESSY house(ha,had) & no more couch potatoes....hmmm what else...I better start making my list!

The boys in their Christmas outfits

My handsome boysScott, Dad, Steph & JDizzle
Santa's little helper

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Last night, Layne and I went and did some Christmas shopping at Toys' R Us. We had a merry 'ol time buying gifts for our boys. When we were done we both hopped in to the car & headed home. Then I realized I left my FAVORITE diaper bag, and stroller just sitting OUTSIDE of the car. That is what being pregnant will do to your brain, ladies you agree??? I thought surely no one would take it, it is Christmas time. We rushed back to Toys' R Us..........
and my stroller and diaper bag (with my WALLET inside) were GONE!!!! I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT!!! We live like 5 minutes away from Toys 'R Us....and in that time some one STOLE IT!!!! Of course I broke down several times last night. Luckily, I got the diaper bag at Last Chance & the stroller off Craigslist....but come on???? Where is the holiday spirit? So if you see a stroller/diaper bag thrown in a ditch around Superstition Mall or Toys' R Us, its mine!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Unpacking the boxes

So we are finally moved in to our house...if I have to unpack one more box
I might just throw-up. Speaking of throw-up...the second day after we moved in Brody & Carter got the stomach flu...yuck! There is nothing like cleaning throw up off the carpet in the middle of the night. Here is a picture of the living room in our house...Layne went out of town for four days a couple days after we moved and I can't tell you how GRATEFUL I am for all the friends & family who have helped us move in....I am so thankful for people who give selfless service....I have really been humbled by all the help we received. It just makes me want to do more for other people.
Here is another picture of our kitchen....just ignore all the 'stuff' on the counters....we had a LONG night with Brody last night...we are trying to get him to sleep through the I was too lazy, or shall I say tired to move it.
What is Christmas with out a picture of our Christmas tree? The boys loved helping decorate the tree....Carter especially loves to take the ornaments off the tree....he likes to put them all over the back to my TO DO list that is 100 miles long....only 2 more weeks until Christmas, yikes!!