Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Brody Smiling

Here are some pictures of Brody we took today, it is so fun because he is starting to smile. (And yes I do own a leopard chair, its my favorite)

New bloggers

I have to say one of my favorite girlfriends has started a blog... Dah dah dah daaa.....its JENNY GROVER!!!! Check her blog out! We love ya girl! PS- If I had a scanner that worked I would post an old school picture of her.....darn it! Also, check out two more of my favorite friends who started blogs Brooke LeSueuer & Briene Wagner!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Can we go home?

This weekend was pretty eventful. We had our neighbors over for a BBQ and towards the end of the night Layne was complaining his stomach hurt. Of course, the next morning he woke up with the flu/food poisoning-which made me a little nervous because our neighbors ate over & I didn't know if it was something I had made. So, I decided I would take all 3 kids to church on my own(crazy I know). I hadn't been to church in so long I decided to brave it. We walked in to the chapel & sacrament meeting had just gotten out. Then all at once all of my sweet boys started crying. Brody was hungry & wanted his bottle & Caleb & Carter DID NOT want to go to class! Caleb ran down the hall-to who knows where- & I just wanted to turn around & go home. Luckily, one by one I got the kids in to their classes all while I was trying to feed Brody. Then I went to Relief Society. Mind you I was wearing a sweater (to hide my lovely fat rolls) so I was SWEATING bullets. Fun times!! Here is a picture I took of Caleb on Father's Day I had to post because I love him in his little suit-he is growing up too fast!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Monterey Chicken

I love summer time....I'd better because we live in Az, right?? I love swimming, eating watermelon, & grilling....okay I don't grill as much as I wish we did...but when we do fire up the heat here is my favorite recipe to make. It is delicious...try it, you will love it!

Monterey Chicken

3 boneless chicken breasts, or 6 chicken tenders
1 green pepper, chopped
1/2 c mushrooms, chopped
1 c shredded cheese

Honey Mustard Sauce
1/2 c mayo
1 T honey
1 T mustard

Marinate chicken in 1/4 c soy sauce & 1 can of Sprite for a few hours to over night. Remove chicken and grill until juices run clear. Place a large piece of foil on grill, transfer chicken over to the foil & put them close together. Spread some sauce over each breast, cover with green pepper, mushrooms, and shredded cheese. Cook until cheese is melted. When serving place chicken on a small amount of sauce and top with bacon bits.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day

I am so grateful for all the Father's that have touched my life. My DAD is my hero. He is the hardest worker I have ever known & has such a tender, giving heart. One of my favorite memories when I was a little girl was spending time with him. Each night we would go out on the trampoline & gaze up in to the dark, star-spotted sky & count airplanes. I would love to snuggle up close to him, right under his arm. I am sure he had a million other things to do, but he spent the TIME with me.

Another great DAD is my father-in-law, George. He is the best father-in-law HANDS down. He is such a spiritual giant, a great example to me. Although he still has a sweet sarcastic side & he loves to laugh.

One of my other favorite DAD's is Layne. I never imagined it would be so fun to watch my husband wrestle & spend time with my boys. He is so GOOD with our kids. He is a great provider physically & most importantly spiritually.

My Heavenly Father has blessed my life with all these great men & to
Him I am forever grateful!!!!
The Greatest gift I ever had,
Came from God & I call him DAD!!-anon
I love you Layne, Dad & George!!!!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Layne's Creation

Our backyard is done,yeepee!!! No more DIRT! Layne & his friend Tyler(who builds vinyl swing sets) came up with this idea. Instead of having a rock slide they decided to build a slide off of the swing set. I have to admit, I was a little skeptical of the whole idea, but the water slide is soo much FUN!! We love having visitors, so come play!

Caleb trying to hold all of the pool toys.

Layne & Caleb going down the slide for the first time. I think Layne was more excited then Caleb-who didn't want to go down it at first. But, Layne used his bribery tactics(he told him he wouldn't have to take a nap) & down they went!

The boys splashing in the water, sorry this pictures isn't the best. Its the camera's fault right (wink, wink).
It was hilarious because Carter had these goggles on & would not take them off. Poor guy kept hitting his head on the table because they were an inch thick & he could barely see. I think he would have worn them all day if we would have let him!

My four handsome boys!!!

ConGRADS Ryan!!

I can't believe my baby brother Ryan has graduated from High School. I am getting old! It just seems like yesterday when I would babysit him & Scott every Friday night. We finally had our family party in honor of him. We had it so late because of the new babies. Here are some pictures of the family fun.....
Carter eating his dessert & licking his fingers clean, tasty!
Baby Brody in his cute, new swim suit from Brooke, thanks Brooke!

A Stauffer party would not be complete with out the desert, yummy!

Andy & baby Logan warming up in the sun.

The three swim suit models swimming in the pool!

Steph feeding baby JD.

Scott & Ryan, best buddies, being crazy.

Thanks for the fun time!!!

Monday, June 4, 2007


Here is a really cute family home evening lesson on honesty. I am always on the look out for fun lessons that will keep my boys entertained.

Brody Sleeping sweet it is to see Brody sleeping, I didn't think it would last so I had to take a picture!! He hasn't been sleeping very well lately. It seems like every time he falls asleep, I lay him down & ten minutes later he is crying. Today was very crazy because I think I just about held him all day long until he fell asleep (and stayed asleep) at about 2:00 pm. I think we are only going to have three kids-this is HARD! So will you please remind me of this next time I start thinking I want another baby.
Caleb, Carter & I stayed in our PJ's almost the whole day long-it was great(even though I felt like a frump). I also let Caleb & Carter paint today, of course it was a mess, but they sure loved it! Thanks again Aunt Andy for the paints, its been hours of fun!