Monday, June 4, 2007

Brody Sleeping sweet it is to see Brody sleeping, I didn't think it would last so I had to take a picture!! He hasn't been sleeping very well lately. It seems like every time he falls asleep, I lay him down & ten minutes later he is crying. Today was very crazy because I think I just about held him all day long until he fell asleep (and stayed asleep) at about 2:00 pm. I think we are only going to have three kids-this is HARD! So will you please remind me of this next time I start thinking I want another baby.
Caleb, Carter & I stayed in our PJ's almost the whole day long-it was great(even though I felt like a frump). I also let Caleb & Carter paint today, of course it was a mess, but they sure loved it! Thanks again Aunt Andy for the paints, its been hours of fun!


amberbuck said...

Hey girl! how cute is Brody!? He is like a dark haired version of Caleb, how sweet! I hope your sleeping good and thats so cute that they painted today, sometimes you just have to not care about the mess, if it keeps them happy and quiet, it's well worth it!

Terolleeq said...

about time we got some more pictures. I know how you feel when you dont get dressed for the day. It won't be hard for much longer dear so buck up your a Stauffer and if your mother can have 5 kids, you can handle three. Can we have Ryans Grad. party at your house when he is off work on either a tuesday or thursday night? I think every one would love to swim and play. later mom

jenny said...

I think I left my comments on the wrong part. Katie, he is so cute. I could kiss his cheeks off his fat little face! Three was the hardest for me, just know your house wont be clean for at least two years, and thats ok. enjoy holding him all day because you will blink and he will be five. A day last forever, but a year goes by so fast. Give him a kiss for me, all your boys for that matter. I love and miss you and wish I was there to help. Maybe your mom needs to take the boys for the day and let you rest. What do you think T.L.?? :) Jenny

Missy said...

I remember the days! I still have those days, but now my kids are older so I really don't have an excuse, newborns are really hard. But the time with them is so priceless! You will look back and say, wow, how did I do that? And your boys are gonna be best buds having them so close. Your doing great! Ok, enough pep talk, I know. Besides, you can't send them back, they are way too cute!

Steph said...

Ahh he is so dang cute!! Can you believe that they are almost a month old! I can't wait for the three month mark. JD didn't sleep at all yesterday and then in the night he was so fussy. I hope he isn't getting colic. So when is the pool ready? I need to tan my pasty white skin!

Andrea said...

I love your boys! Don't they miss their Aunt Andy? I miss them! You are welcome for the paints. We need to buy them some more stuff that they can do at home. Did you want to go to Nodstroms tomorrow?

Mindful Mothering said...

Hi Katie,
This is Sarah Brooks from the old San Tan ward... Congrats on your little Brody! Your boys are so cute! Looks like you moved too! Number three was the hardest for me... some days I want to stay in my pj's all day! We had another little guy 7 months ago. This blogging thing is such a fun way for people to keep in touch, especially when you have a new baby! I would love to check in on your little family once in a while. If you would like an invite to my blog, email me