Monday, June 4, 2007


Here is a really cute family home evening lesson on honesty. I am always on the look out for fun lessons that will keep my boys entertained.


jenny said...

Katie, he is so dang cute! He has the cutest cheeks, I could eat them up. How are you ajusting to 3? Three was my hardest, just know you will never have a clean house again. At least for the first 2 years. Calab and Carter are getting so big. I can't believe you have three boys!! dont worry about stopping breast feeding, formula is wonderful, other people can feed him. don't feel guilty, you are a great mom, so sweet and kind. I miss you all and wish I was there to kiss on all those sweet boys. luv ya, Jenny

Mindful Mothering said...

That is a cute lesson! Perect for boys... I am always looking for good lessons for little ones too. I love the sugardoodle website! Thanks for posting.