Thursday, April 8, 2010

Caleb's 7th Birthday

On February 4th my baby boy turned 7. Its funny, when he was a little baby I used to think 7 was old. Now I think he is still so young. Caleb is such a big helper. He is always on the look out for his younger brothers and sister. He has a heart of gold and is really sensitive to others feelings and needs. He wanted to have an army party. I ordered t-shirts and dog tags from an army surplus store. His friends came over and ate pizza, ran through an obstacle course, played pin the tank, broke a pinata and of course had cake and ice cream.

Caleb is in first grade now and rides the bus to and from school. For the first 6 months, I was controlling and wanted to take/pick him up from school. That got really old especially because I had to wake up two sleeping toddlers every day. Never wake a sleeping baby. He loves riding the bus and loves to walk home from the bus stop. The other day I went to pick him up from the bus stop(its right down the street from our house) and he was too cool for me! I was so sad. He wanted to walk. My little baby is growing up! Oh how I love that blonde hair, blue eyed little boy!!


Tim and Amy said...

what a fun party! that's awesome you went all out with outfits, and everything so perfectly matching the theme! i can't believe he's 7! weren't you prego when we were in the same ward in chandler?! wowsers - where does time go!?

Unknown said...

love that cake. very creative!! looks like a fUn party!

Kyle said...

I haven't looked at your blog in FoReVeR...but super cute party! And so scary about Caleb getting lost a while back...worst feeling ever! Miss you girl!

Becky Rogers said...

I can't believe you have a 7 year old! Just think, one more year and he will be getting baptized.

Andrea said...

That cake was sooo cute that you made! And these pics are adorable! What a fun, memorable birthday for Caleb! I love Caleb!