Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Thanksgivin' in Tennesse y'all!

Sorry I have not posted in FOREVER! We have been so busy, & I have been so STRESSED about this move...I can't wait until its over....only a couple more days. Thanks for every ones sweet comments...they have kept me going some days! ;-)

For Thanksgiving we met most of the Peterson family (we missed Brett, Jennifer, Joseph & Natalie) in Tennessee, & stayed in a cabin in the Smoky Mountains. It was so gorgeous, the trees actually change colors there, imagine that!!

The night before we left Brody was sick, so I made a late night visit to Urgent Care. He had an ear infection & a bad with our plane leaving at 6:40am I only got like 2 hours of sleep that night!! Of course, what did I expect, we ALWAYS seem to have a sick child on vacation. Once we got there we played every day all day, so the kids had a blast! On Thanksgiving day we went to this really good restaurant called the Apple Barn. It was great to eat all the food we wanted & not even have to wash one dish! Here is a picture of Brody & his cousin Samuel, they are only 5 days apart.
We stayed near a town called Gatlinburg which is a total family friendly, touristy town. We rode go-carts, rode rides, shopped at the Outlets, and goofy golfed. Clint really wanted to go on this Jurassic Park ride. We asked some guy in town if the ride was scary for little kids & he said "no"! Needless to say, I think my kids are still having nightmares about the scary dinosaurs! Too funny!
What a cute picture of 3 of the Peterson boys.
All in all, it was a great time (except for the 5 hour drive home, followed by the 4 hour plane ride). Thanks for the fun memories!


Andrea said...

It looks like you guys had soo much fun! Samuel looks great!! Him and Brody are soo cute together!! I can't believe all the different colors...I bet it was sooo nice to get away and feel a "real winter"!! I missed you though and are glad you are back!

Steph said...

How fun!! It looks like you had a lot of fun! Don't you hate traveling with kids. JD did okay but he was teething the whole time and all the little kids loved to give him attention. I think it was WAY too much for JD. I miss you and the boys- when we going shopping??!!!!

Heather Jeppsen said...

Looks like fun! Hopefully it was more fun than work. Hope your staying sane with everything going on. I don't know if I've recovered from the last trip we just took, but I can't wait to come back down to the warmth for Christmas. Tell everyone hi.

the cummard family said...

So where are you moving to? You should let me watch your boys one day, while you finish up moving kids would LOVE LOVE LOVE it! They always love when we have visitors! I'm glad to see you didn't give up on blogging-with all the craziness going on in your life right now. Hang in there!

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

Fun!!! It looks gorgeous there. I'm jealous! You guys look like you had lots of fun. Tell Bishop hi for me!

MichelleY said...

How fun - it looks beautiful there. You are such a trooper to take your boys and a SICK baby on a plane ride and then another long car trip after that!

Cassie said...

Great pictures. Who lives in Tennesse? We are concidering moving there next year if John gets excepted into Vanderbuilt. Is it beautiful there? Hey if you have more picture I would love to see them. You could email me at Anyway I love that your oldest boy is the only platinum blonde, crystal blue eyed child in that whole family. That group picture on the Dino ride he stands out so much. What a fun looking trip.

Brooklyn said...

I have been worried about you! I have missed the cute pics of your boys! I'm so glad you had a safe happy thanksgiving. Hope you are feeling okay. Moving is so hard, I hope you are not to stressed! Those trees are beautiful! Take Care :)

Swirls of Happy said...

Oh my looks SOOOO pretty there :) How fun to have Thanksgiving there and it sounds like you guys had a wonderful vacation. Poor little Brody, hope he is feeling better, he is so stinkin cute...I want to reach through the computer and hug him! Your whole family is just adorable. Hope you are feeling good too, moving is not fun when you're pregnant :( Good luck with the new house and move, hopefully you will be settled in soon!

Amy said...

It was fun huh...
I love you tons and miss you tons. The kids miss Caleb & Carter. THanks for all of the pics and good luck with the move today -no fun. Wish I could help. xoxo -

heather said...

What a fun holiday!! I think the eating out idea is fantastic!

jenny said...

HOw fun! I am ready for a vacation! You look so cute Katie, and your boys are so stinkin cute! I am glad you are posting again, I missed not seeing all your fun updates!

jenny said...

You are probably thinking, could you really see me in the back of the ride?? I just saw you on Andys blog at Thanksgiving, you look so dang cute. Hope this makes sense!LOL

Shelly said...

That picture in the forest is beautiful. Sounds like a lot of fun!!

Flaherty Fam said...

Your Thanksgiving looked like so much fun. I love visiting places where they actually experience a Fall season. However, I don't like cold weather, so I can do without. So, how is the new house? How are you feeling?

Tim and Amy said...

how fun! tim has told me how beautiful the fall colors are in tennessee. glad you guys had fun... but bummer brody got sick! hopefully everyone is healthy & happy now! :o)

Suzy Cummard said...

I got to see one of your boys on Saturday. He wasbeing G-ma's little helper during the day.. and singing Christmas songs! He was so cute.
I hope the move is going good.

Let me know if I can ever help!

Linz said...

How fun and so beautiful there! Hope you are feeling well! We'd love to see you guys when we get into town!

Stoddard Studios said...

I was wondering what happened to you. Glad your still among the living. I hope your all settled into your new house. I ended up moving like 3 weeks ago too. It was a disaster. It was horrible moving while being pregnant.

What a fun trip for Thanksgiving. The changing leaves were so pretty. Yeah, we don't see much of that here.

Hope everything is going well with your pregnancy. How far along are you? You never really said when you announced it.

Layne and Kelly Nelson said...

I LOVE the smoky mountains! So pretty! Especially that time of year. I think I'm going to have to do the restaurant thing for Thanksgiving next year! Sounds like a dream!

Brad, Briene and Brayden said...

It has been way to long since we have hung out. Seriously I miss you guys. Hopefully this weekend will work out! I am glad you had such a fun Thanksgiving what beautiful pictures. I hope the move went good and you aren't going to crazy putting the house together.

Unknown said...

What a nice trip. It's so fun spending quality time with family over holidays. Let's get together soon...I miss hanging out with you guys. I guess you've been kind-of busy.:)Call you need any help? anything? You're inspiring!

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei seu blog pelo google está bem interessante gostei desse post. Gostaria de falar sobre o CresceNet. O CresceNet é um provedor de internet discada que remunera seus usuários pelo tempo conectado. Exatamente isso que você leu, estão pagando para você conectar. O provedor paga 20 centavos por hora de conexão discada com ligação local para mais de 2100 cidades do Brasil. O CresceNet tem um acelerador de conexão, que deixa sua conexão até 10 vezes mais rápida. Quem utiliza banda larga pode lucrar também, basta se cadastrar no CresceNet e quando for dormir conectar por discada, é possível pagar a ADSL só com o dinheiro da discada. Nos horários de minuto único o gasto com telefone é mínimo e a remuneração do CresceNet generosa. Se você quiser linkar o Cresce.Net( no seu blog eu ficaria agradecido, até mais e sucesso. If is possible add the CresceNet( in your blogroll, I thank. Good bye friend.

Becky Rogers said...

Hey Katie..I haven't seen you in almost a year. Crazy. Congrats on the pregnancy...very exciting. When we finally move back at the end of this summer I am sure we'll be seeing more of you, Layne, and the whole crew you've got. Our two Brodys will have to have a play date when we come into town sometime. Let us know if you ever need adjusted by the "almost" chiropractor.

Stewart and Julie Jensen said...

It is so good to leave a comment with a name. I need some help. Will you go to my blog and tell me how to put a picture or pictures up? Hope you are feeling like a million bucks. Ha, Ha,

Andrea said...

DANG...25 comments...can we just call you Little Ms. Popular??? Just I always do. Can we PLEASE get a NEW's been awhile since you posted. I know you are in the middle of a move but come on now. LOL

Andrea said...

Super cute background! I love it! I can't believe how many comments you have!

Missy said...

Love the Xmas Background! How fun to get to see a "real fall". It looks like you had a great time. Moving is the worst, but it's kind of fun to set up house in a new place. Once you get settled, you need to take it easy...easier said than done huh! Hope you are feeling good prego.

Sarah W. said...


It was so good seeing you tonight at the temple lights. I guess you don't have me as on of your links yet. I think you found me through Kathy Covey's blog, because you commented on one of my posts a while back. Anyways...let's get together sometime. Probably after the holidays.