Thursday, January 24, 2008

My sweet Caleb woke up last night crying because his tooth hurt. So today we took a trip to the good 'ol dentist office. Wouldn't ya know he needs 2 crowns & 1 filling. Poor little guy!! He has my horrible teeth...I have horror stories about going to the dentist when I was younger...can you say 8 cavities at one time? Yep, that was me!

But, I about died when I looked at the bill, it was close to a $1000!! How did my parents ever pay for it all?? Man those dentists make lots of money! Can anyone say dental insurance? No but really, does any one know any info about getting dental insurance?

PS-I haven't found out what I am having....that will be my next post on Monday....I think its going to be a boy & I am okay with that!


Flaherty Fam said...

I hate going to the dentist. I always tell Brett that because I have no idea why he wants to be one. I also love that everyone tells me that dentists have the highest suicide rate. Go figure; nobody likes them. Anyways, poor Caleb. I remember, back in high school, when the dentist told you that you would have no teeth by your 20's. You were so terrified. Just to let you know that the Dental School does work for people who don't have insurance and they do a really great job. Several of Brett's family members have already gone. If you want more info, just give me a call.

Carlie said...

Sorry, cant help you out with the dental insurance( i dont even have it) I do know of a few people who are in dental hygeine school and can clean teeth for a really cheap price until may_when they graduate. thanks, for going to put my biz on your blog. that will help out a ton. We have had no biz yet, so we are at a standstill until word of mouth gets out. the blog address is or they can email us at we do siaper cakes, spit rags, and blankets. Please tell everyone!!!
ps. that'll be interesting to see what your having. Good luck
pps. My friend Amy Bevans(used to be cluff) knows layne. u could ask him about that.

Lisa said...

Poor Caleb. I am not a dentist lover either, I have awful teeth and every time I go they find more work that needs done! We have insurance but still spend a fortune. I love the picture, did you take it?? I love your blog it is awesome!

Heather Jeppsen said...

We had dental insurance with the last company Jeff was with, but now that we're on our own we don't. We talked to our dentist about it. He told us if we have pretty good teeth it would be better to just pay cash than to pay for the insurance and the copays. I don't know though. I actually haven't gone since we haven't had insurance. We all went right before our insurance changed. The key I think is telling them you are paying cash and setting a price before you go in. I know dr.'s and dentist's will give you a discount if you pay cash because they don't have to mess with insurance and they get it right then.

Always Amy said...

Hey Katie! Your boys are so cute! They all look like little men. I can't believe that you are going to have another. You are passing me up and get the prize for the most great grand babies. Your poor Caleb. I think the bad teeth come from the Williams side. I have one kid with a ton of cavities and one without any...Good luck!

Steph said...

Poor Caleb! Its from all the sugar that Grandma feeds him! LOL!! I can't wait to find out what you are having.. I think you are having a girl.. I can't wait.. you better call all of us and have us on 3 way and tell us all at the same time!!! What are you doing this weekend? Call me and we can go shopping. I have nothing planned.

Britney said...

I am really scared of going to the dentist. I have to get A LOT of work done and I just cant do it. We have insurance and its really not any better than not having it. Dental insurance sucks!! That picture is kind of cool, did you take it? I tagged you on my blog =)

Brooklyn said...

Ah! Oh no! I would have died! I signed up Bo and the boys through american dental. It is about $50 a month. Be sure to post about baby peterson in the making!

Swirls of Happy said...

Oh my! Poor little guy...and poor you, that is expensive!!! Can't wait to find out what you are having, you have the cutest family :)

Amy F. said...

Katie, soon Eric W. will be able to do all of our dental work! (Of course not for free, but definitely cheaper!!). I totally have the same teeth. I can count 9 fillings in my mouth right now. Sorry Caleb! The Dentist still gives me the willies -hate it, hate it, hate it! I would love for you guys to have a girl, but I'm totally that (almost) Mom that thinks I 'm gonna have 4 boys in a row, so I'm with ya!

Jenny Grover said...

When you were younger......come on you had 8 in high school! hee hee! But hears the thing, you never had to get braces cause your'e teeth are perfect and white! So you saved money there! Don't worry all my teeth in the back are filled and I'm not a sweet eater! I just know my dentist wanted lawn equipment so he filled them! My dad did trade with him! So when he saw a cavite, he say oh look at my new shiney lawn mower in the back of your'e mouth! Now that I live at home....I tell the dentist put it on the tab.....and when I get home I tell my dad thanks. He says what for? I went to the dentist today. He gets so mad. But what can I say I'm the baby! Not really but Tiff has always been more mature then me! So I call myself the baby. Well you need to invite me and Brad over to your house for some yummy cookin! You make the best food! Plus I haven't even seen the new casa! And when are we chopping the do? Love ya!

Andrea said...

Poor little Caleb! Tooth aches are the worst! That is sooo expensive! Let's have a garage sale to help pay for Caleb's teeth!! Love you my sister!

Layne and Kelly Nelson said...

Oh bless his heart! I hate going to the dentist and the most I ever had to have done at once was 4 fillings. Layne has bad teeth though (even though he brushes and flosses and swishes Listerine better than anyone I know). He had to have a gum grafting surgery done a few years ago. Talk about no fun! It's a good thing we had dental insurance for that!

the cummard family said...

it's monday already....and we're all anxious to hear! WHAT IS IT!?!? I'm seriously dreading taking my kids to the dentist....especially after my nieces trip! YUCK!

G-MA & G-PA said...

Yea Katie, you finally got your girl. That is so cool. Yes, I am a blogger now. Isn't that also a miracle. And a temple worker. Boy, time must be nigh when they ask pam and rande to be TW's. But we love it and see so many people there. I really love it. But you know Rande, he had to figure out that if we worked Wednesdays, he would miss the least amount of ASU games. So Wed's it is. Well, I love to read all the blogs of all you cute little girls that use to hang out with us. I'm so excited for you and so proud of my cute little Katie. Love ya. Pam