Thursday, June 26, 2008

My giant, My moment

Its crazy how Brody used to be my 'baby'...I used to think he was so little, until Brinkley arrived. Now Brody just seems like a giant. I think having a new baby in the house has been the toughest on him. He is super easy going & entertains himself most of the time. But, when ever I am feeding Brinkely (which is every 2 hours), Brody wants me to hold him too. Poor little guy. He LOVES passy's especially Brinkley's pink ones. He plops them in his mouth along with her bottles, full of expressed milk, I might add... I often feel guilty that I have not been able to spend time with my boys. Brinkley has been my whole life the past couple of weeks. So while Caleb & Carter were away & Brinkley was sleeping, I was feeding Brody lunch. I was having my 'moment' with him. I gave him ketchup with his chicken fingers & let him go to town. He made a big mess & loved it. I just sat & watched him enjoy the pile of red dip.
He is the cutest thing ever!
Here are some random pics of Brinkley. I can't tell you how HARD it has been the past couple weeks. I am just trying to get my head around 4 kids...of course I got mastitis really bad & couldn't even move...but it seems to get easier every day, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks again to EVERYONE who has helped out, taken the kids & brought us meals...I don't know what we would do with out our family & friends!!


Unknown said...

How cute is that...yeah isn't it funny hos BIG they seem when they are compared to a little baby. He is too cute..and you poor girl...that is some painful stuff. I had it once and that is something that you NEVER forget. Hope it stays away! She is sooo cute...

Amy said...

BRody is sooo big! I thought that was Carter when I first glanced! Brinkley is adorable!! Time will make life much easier - even though when all our kiddos are teens I am sure we will be praying for the sleepless newborn nights huh?? I wish I were there to help. I love you tons!xoxo-

Steph said...

Ahhh Brody is getting so big.. that means Dizz is getting big too. Sad! I don't want them to get big. Hey.. so do you want me to take some kids off your hands on Friday night? Call me! I totally will.. Love ya girl!

Andrea said...

What a cute post. Brody looks so cute! I bet he just loved to play in the ketchup! And that picture of Brinkley is soo cute too! I don't know how you do it with 4 kids. I am in awe of you!! Once I get my Pampered Chef Seasoning in I want to bring you in dinner ok?

Missy said...

Wow...he HAS grown up so much, loving the ASU shirt...Go Devils! (that's the "Rande" in me, lol) I remember feeling so guilty when my babies were born too, but you do appreciate the occasional 1 on 1 moments you get. I promise it gets easier. And Brinkley is so pretty, I love all her dark hair. Hope your mastitus is gone for good, that is THE WORST.

Tim and Amy said...

Too cute. All of the kids are adorable... especially the new little GIRL! :o)

You definitely amaze me! You must have amazing energy!

shellys said...

Hey girl, you are in our prayers. I wish I was there to help you with your load. Hang in there. It is all worth it in the end. Isn't kastup fun? It is one of Kaybria's favorites too.

Flaherty Fam said...

I totally look up to you. I can't imagine trying to juggle 4 kids, but I'm sure Brody was lovin his mommy time. I seriously would love to take your kids from you, so maybe you could have some alone time or time with Layne. I love the pic of Brinkley and Carter. She looks like a little pixie in that pic.

Brad, Briene and Brayden said...

It was so fun seeing you guys as always. Brinkley is beautiful. You guys seriously have such adorable kids. Brad and I are so Lucky to have you guys as friends.Please let me know if you need anything!

Amy F. said...

You are an AMAZING Mom! Four adorable kids who are blessed with such wonderful parents! Brody knows he is loved for sure! What cute pictures. Brinkley sure is a pretty little girl!

Carlie said...

ya know, I couldnt ev en imaagine how hard it would be to have 2 so young and so close together. All I can think is that it will get easier the older they get. They are alll sooooo cute and i know you are doing the best you can. Hang in there and let me know if there is anything i can do for you.
ok, for the memory thing. I remember that too. slumber parties were the best.

amberbuck said...

OH Katie i'm sorry it's been a little rough but I know each day passed is one day more and as Brinkley gets a little older I'm sure it will get better. Hopefully she will start feeding every 3-4 hrs for you so you can have more of a break. She is so dang cute!

Heather Jeppsen said...

I think I told you this before. After I had Peyton, I remember just sitting on the hard wood floor in the kitchen because I had to hold both of them and that's where I happened to be. And sometimes all 3 of us would be crying! It does get better and I would actually put myself in that position again if I had the choice. How funny is that? You'll love them being close when they both get a little older. Hang in there. Good luck. Have a great day and enjoy your cute kids.

Becky Rogers said...

Hey Katie-
You seem like such an awesome mom, so I have no doubt that you will do great with your four kids. Isn't it so true that motherhood is THE hardest jod..but most rewarding! Hey, I am so spacey sometimes and realized that I didn't put that website on my last post. It is:
Good luck to your brother Scott!

Kyle said...

Isn't it crazy how much your kids grow up when you have a new baby! Brody is so cute...and he is loving that ketchup, for sure!

jenny said...

I L.O.V.E Brody! He is so dang cute! Don't feel quilty, you can only do so much. You learn to appreciate those special "moments" more and more. Brinkley is soo cute! she looks just like Brody! Hang in there and take it one day at a time.

The Cash Family said...

oh my, more power to you missy! after reading that i am not sure if i want any more kids! not that it was a bad post, just the part about 4 kids! i can barely handle 3!! you are a trooper.

the cummard family said...

oh my gosh! you poor poor thing! i got mastitis with my first 2, and it was a living hell. with parker i was in the er. i'd rather have 10 babies-in a row, than have that again. i hope you're feeling better, and are able to enjoy that cute little girl!

Mel said...

Katie, she is so cute! She looks just like Brody! I can't believe how much he's grown up since you've moved away. I promise it will get easier too once you stop feeling like a walking zombie! haha

Shelly said...

That is sweet that you got a moment with just you and Brody. Four kids now, huh? You go girl!

The Cash Family said...

alrighty slacker! you act like you have 4 kids and are too busy to update your blog :) jk girl. hey i am going to be in mesa next thursday night it would be fun to get together with you ladies!! email me and maybe we can plan on going to dinner or something??

Mindful Mothering said...

The transition to four was crazy for us too! It will be so fun for your kids as they get older and have each other so close :-) They are all cuties!

Andrea said...

Can we get a new update pls...gosh, it's not like you have been busy or something. You only have 4!

Steph said...


Jenny Grover said...

It was so much fun seeing you the other night! You look amazing! Like always!!!! Brinkley is so adorable! I am working on ur birthday post! Remember I am slow at this! (all because of Keller) We need to get together more! Love ya!

Stoddard Studios said...

Brinkley is so cute. She has such dark hair. She looks a lot like Brody.