Sunday, July 20, 2008

Conner Time

This last week has been completely crazy...after 2 visits to the Dr....and 4 prescriptions later we are all healthy(I am totally knocking on wood right now, I can't believe I even said that out loud). Brody had double ear infections, Carter had double swimmers ear & an inner ear infection....and since that wasn't enough all the boys got PINK EYE..lovely. Thank goodness for modern medicine.

But the highlight of the past few weeks is that CONNER has been in TOWN. Caleb LOVES Conner...anything Conner likes, Caleb likes too. He has been in absolute heaven hanging out with Conner & going to the farm with Papa & Carter. We even had Conner spend the night twice. I am sad I didn't take more pics....but here are the few I did take:

Here are their SILLY faces.
Best Buds
I just love the way Caleb is looking at Conner, doesn't that look just say it all?
My adorable hubby
Brody refusing to look at the camera!


Always Amy said...

I don't know how you are doing it. It sounds like the week from Hell-0. Do your boys sleep when they have ear infections? I had swimmers ear when I was old enough to remember and it hurts so bad! You are lucky to have such a great mom and sisters near to help you out. How is baby B? I think about you often and Shel and I chat about you too. We both feel for you and hope you are hanging in there.

Steph said...

Ohh.. I am sorry!! I didn't know Carter had ear infections too. That sucks. Hey.. have you thought about getting Brody tubes in his ears. Not sure if I told you or not but we are getting Jd's done on Aug 5th. We went and saw the ear specialist and he has fluid in his ears. Call me and we can chat more.. Caleb is so cute with his cousins. Its amazing how much Conner looks like his dad!! Too cute!!

The Cash Family said...

crazy! but its weeks ike that that make us appreciate weeks that go well. and just think, wouldn't life just be so boring! i am sad that we weren't able to get together, one of these days!!

Amy said...

Thank you for being such a great aunt. I haven't worried once about Conner being down there. He is having a blast with your boys. I love you tons! Amy

Summer said...

Sounds like you've had a hard week. But at least your boys got to play with their fav. cousin! How's that baby girl doing? Oh, and that's too bad about the bee stings--Connor's been bitten by ants three times in the last couple of weeks. So sad. Well, I'm glad your hard week is OVER! You're such a great mom!

Tim and Amy said...

glad everyone is feeling better! love all the pics. where are the pics of YOU though? :o)

Andrea said...

Those are such cute pictures. Caleb is so lucky that his cousin is down. They are sooo cute together. Those are cute pictures of Layne too. Where is our picture of you in the pool? LOL, j/k!! You know I love teasing you and that you would say the same thing to me! Cute pictures!!

Unknown said...

Oh man! sounds like you have had a FUN week. Glad to hear it is getting a little better. Don't you just love when they all seem to get it at once...

Fun pics of the kids...they look like the best of buds! Your kids are too cute!

Dalan and Elizabeth Dahl said...

I need to check your blog more often. So much is going on with you. Are you excited fot school to start? I am. I am sorry your kids were sick. We had the pink eye thing a couple of months ago. NOT fun. Look on the brigh side, it is a good thing Conner isn't allergic to bee stings, that would have made your week even better. Hope this week is better.

Flaherty Fam said...

OMG, what a week! You must be completely exhausted. I am glad to hear everyone is doing better. Your boys are so darn cute. So, is Caleb the only one that's going to take after your cute blonde hair?

Brooklyn said...

Hey katie!!! How are you? Sounds like you are BUSY!!!!! I hate when my kids get sick because everyone is cooped up and it consumes everything! Glad everyone is on the mend. Brinkley is BEAUTIFUl!!!!!!

the cummard family said...

oh my gosh katie! you poor thing. it was fun running into you at cvs. i'll call you when we get back in town, and i'm back in coupon mode....not vacation mode.

Becky Rogers said...

Isn't it fun to see your kids interact and make their very own friends. I love it. Hopefully no more illnesses!

Amy F. said...

Oh, you poor guys! I'm soo glad everyone is all better. I can only imagine what a tuff week you've had. So, now that all is better can we come see ya? ;)
I want to see how big Brinkley is getting! Anytime you need help we'd be happy to offer you and Layne a night out for sure!!