Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Layne's 30th B-day Party

Back in September Layne turned 30. I threw him a "Harley themed" surprise party in our backyard. I tried so hard to keep it a secret. I sent out the cutest invitations. I enlisted my family's help with the decorations and food. I served his favorite food, Tia Rosas with Mexican Cokes to drink. Unfortunately, he found out about it & I was the one who spilled the beans in an e-mail. What can you do? He arrived on a Harley thanks to his cousin Jeffery who kept him occupied while I prepared our backyard.

The scariest thing that has ever happened in my life happened after the party was over. Layne and I were outside talking to Grant & Amy as they were getting ready to leave. Carter was sitting next to me and he kept asking my where Caleb was. I figured Caleb was inside. Well, we looked for Caleb and could not find him anywhere! I kept thinking he has got to be here. After some time, Amy called the police. The police searched our house & our backyard and couldn't find him anywhere. Grant and Amy & Layne were running up and down the street(with no shoes on) and in the adjacent fields screaming his name. Our neighbors, the Jobe's (love that family) were out with their guns driving the neighborhood. Then it sunk in, my sweet Caleb was gone. Someone had taken him. I was screaming his name and just fell to the ground. I knew he wouldn't wander away. I thought for sure some one had taken him.

The police were trying to keep me calm and asked me for a picture of Caleb and his description so they could call in an Amber Alert. My babies were both awake and crying because the cops went in to their rooms with a flashlight searching for my little blond haired boy. Just then, one of the officers found him on top of one of the tables, rolled up in a black table cloth, fast asleep. He partied hard and was tired. Thank heavens!! I sat there holding him, bawling. He was oblivious to what just happened. He couldn't even keep his eyes open long enough to talk to the cops.

I never want to feel those emotions again, my heart truly goes out to those who have lost a child. I am so grateful for the happy ending...I love my sweet Caleb & all my kidlets!


Heather Jeppsen said...

What a fun party! (except for the end) I'm glad things turned out the way they did. I went through that with our neighbor last summer. She was so hysterical and her husband called the cops. I told her I was going to go through her house more time incase she missed something. So her husband and I were going through every room again and he found their daughter in their son's room under a whole bunch of blankets fast asleep. Crazy where they end up when they are tired. Glad you guys are doing good. It's kind of funny he was asleep on the table though.

Summer said...

Oh my gosh Katie, that's so scary. I'm so sorry you had to go through that! I'm so glad Caleb was OK!

Tell Layne happy birthday!

TJ and Jen Sherwood said...

Oh my gosh!! what a crazy story! I am soo soo soo happy everything is ok.
It was fun to see everyone today, you looked so cute.

Amy F. said...

Such a fun party.
and yes, I heard about that!!! Still, hearing you write about it gives me goose bumps. That had to be awful!!