Thursday, August 28, 2008

Donnie's Baby Shower

The other night we had Donnie's shower. Amber & Alisa did such a good job was the spread: Of course we had a TON of junk girls like to eat...well at least I do!
Here is a picture of Alisa, Donnie & Amber...I love these girls!
Donnie, Amber & the babies. It was so fun because we had so many little babies there...all girls of course!
Here is a picture of Donnie, her sister Sarah & all her cute cousins...hey Donnie are you slouching?? lol
Here is Jenny talking to her many b-friends on her phone...put that thing down girl!
Here is sweet Julie with my baby Brinks! Julie took turns holding all the babies...she is a natural, I guess that comes after having twins!
Here is Donnie with the cutest board her crafty sister Sarah made....did I mention Sarah is a biologist & is going to back to school to be a PA? You go Sarah!

We had a great time...thank you everybody for helping bring food & for the fun "girls night in"...we need to get together more!


The Cash Family said...

You look like you know how to throw one heck of a party miss!! don't you love that lemonade pitcher? i got one for my mo-in-law...i should have bought one for me!

Andrea said...

Wow, looks like you guys had fun and what a great spread you had! It makes me hungry just looking at it. Cute pictures!! Congratulations to Donnie!! Wish I could have been there!

amberbuck said...

Awwww, that was so fun. Great pictures of everyone but where's the one with you? Oh yah, you some how snuck out of not getting your picture taken...busted. I hope Alisa doesn't look at your blog b/c I don't know if she's spreadin' the word yet...dun, dun, dun! Thanks again for letting us have the shower at your beatiful casa, your the best!

amberbuck said...

Oh Katie, I'm so sorry you got sick again... that is no good for anyone. Aren't you glad it's a 3 day weekend? Hopefully Layne is home with you. let me know if I can help with the boys.

Flaherty Fam said...

You are seriously the greatest. Thanks so much for the fun couldn't have been more perfect. I know we always say this, but all of us need to get together more often (at least once a month). Thanks again for being such a great friend. I will call you this week because, if you're still willing, I really want to begin my new coupon shopping hobby.

Tim and Amy said...

Okay, everything looks absolutely perfect! How do you do it?!

And the fruit cookie bars look amazing! Can you share your recipe?!

Amy F. said...

How fun -what a good host you are Katie! So I talked to Jill on her way there. I love all our little connections. I'm so lucky to know all you girls, considering that I'm from Utah and didn't know ANYONE from Arizona!
So funny story, I met Dendi today at Lifetime. She got to take care of Dax. Its funny because I actually told her I recognized her from her profile picture when she posted comments on your blog -I happened to post comments right after her once or twice! So funny!! (She'll probably read this too ;).