Tuesday, October 28, 2008

5 Happy Thoughts

Here are 5 things that made me happy today:

1. A Diet Coke & a Mr. GOODBAR(what I ate for breakfast this morning).

2. Time with BRODY while all the other kiddos were at school and/or sleeping.

3. NOT having to go to the dentist today to fix my tooth. My appt got rescheduled.... further delaying my Christmas present this year(which would be my new crown).

4. LISTENING to a conference talk on my i-pod. Thanks for the great idea Brooke...I don't know why I haven't downloaded conference talks sooner.

5. The thought of getting my HAIR colored by Jenny TONIGHT!! Bye-bye two inch roots...if you don't believe me just check out my picture below!


Tim and Amy said...

That breakfast sounds yummy! :o)
I feel your dental pains! But just get it overwith so you don't have to dread going.

TJ and Jen Sherwood said...

1. love the breakfast!!
2. what are you getting yourself for Christmas?
3. My hair can top your hair. I think it's about 2 1/2 to 3 inches out!! I feel so WT.

Amy said...

Soooo, I made it 7 days off diet coke!! I have since made up for those 7 days! Can we go to addiction recovery for that??

And...you are HOT, 2in roots and all! :> Have a fun night alone! Love you tons!!

Tim and Amy said...

That is so awesome that you are going to Josh for the dental stuff! We're jealous!

Steph said...

WHAT! You are getting your hair done?? No fair!! I bet it looks great!! Yummy breakfast.. sounds like mine.. sugary cinn roll that Andy made.. LOTS of sugar.. hu.. must run in the family!! LOL!

The Cash Family said...

isn't it funny that we know that our 2 inch roots drive us crazy, i didn't notice them until you said to look in the next picture dorkis!

shellys said...

Gosh, I alwyas thought you were naturally that blonde. LOL Hey I love Brinkly's headbands. Did you make them?

Flaherty Fam said...

Okay, that is such a typical Katie breakfast. I remember going to your house to pick you up in the morning during high school and you'd be eating cookies or whatever yummy sweets your mom had baked. You are so lucky to have such great genes and can continue to eat that way and strut those skinny legs of yours. By the way, I HATE THE DENTIST!! I tell Brett that all the time hahaha!

Amy F. said...

That is too cute (and Katie, Katie -I can't believe you dared put "diet coke" [pop -like thee biggest dental no-no ;) ] and "crown" in the same post). Girl, you know I'm just messing with ya. Its because when I went to the dentist recently and had work done my teeth were soo bad that I had to truly convince him that I do not drink pop, or, get this, that I don't VOMIT on a regular basis. However, I do take shots of pure lemon juice every day (okay, kidding about the lemon juice). So here I am 8 fillings later wonderng what the HECK I have done to my teeth. At least your excuse is 4 pregnancies ;).
All I know is you gotta do what makes you happy! I can't wait to have some candy for breakfast the day after halloween. Woo hoo!

amberbuck said...

Oh my Katie girl, you are a true sweet-aholic. Only someone who loves sugar as much as me could have a diet coke and a candybar for breakfast. That cracks me up that it made you happy to have your dental appt. rescheduled. I get so ancy and anxious when I have one set up that if they rescheduled I'd be so bummed that I didn't get to go and get it overwith but a little happy at the same time! I'm glad I saw you tonight!

Andrea said...

You sound just like our mother...having a diet Coke for breakfast!! Instant caffeine! You should post a picture of your hair now that it is all colored! It looks sooo cute!! Where are your Halloween pics? I want to see those cute boys and gir!!

Hansen Fam said...

Diet Coke makes my day better too. Oh and even with 2 inch roots (which they aren't) you still look gorgeous!!

kemptons said...

I am glad to know that I'm not the only one that eats chocolate for breakfast. And talk about roots, you just reminded me that I have about 5 inch roots.