Thursday, April 19, 2007

Need your Help

Okay, so I went to the Dr. this afternoon & I am 80% effaced & dilated to a 2. So I am thinking when am I going to have this baby?? What do you guys think and were you dilated, even just a little bit, for more than a week? I have a really bad memory & pregnant brain so I can't remember what I did with my first!! I would also love to hear advice on what to do to go in to labor. Thanks!


amberbuck said...

Hey girl, some people are dialated at a 3 for like a month. Now i don't tell you that to say you're not going soon but it could go either way. Do a lot of walking, bending up and down, doing the nasty, and have Layne rub your feet and ankles because there's pressure points that are supposed to stimulate labor. The nursrey looks so cute! I'm suprised that you didn't go into labor from painting it! We need to walk around the mall and maybe that will help!

See it Try it Love it said...

Yeah, I was a 3 for about 3 weeks. I had him 5 days late. So no help there. But most people are the same with their kids. I had both 5 days late, Jenna and Kanoe are always weeks early. So good luck.

Julie Jan said...

I agree with Amber. They could come tonight or in a few weeks. Just follow Amber's advice. Also, I heard taking castor oil will help. It worked for Melissa Miles.

Julie Jan said...

Just to clarify Katie is not having multiple babies. Sorry Katie, I accidentally said "they" instead of "he".

Suzy Cummard said...

Julie must be so used to saying "they"!!

It runs in my family to go over! AND, I totally believe that the baby comes when it is ready. The oil can sometimes be a myth, so be careful.
My only tip would be to not eat mexican the night before!! HA.
Good luck. Keep us all posted!

Melis said...

I have been "blog stalking" you for a bit & saw my name in the comments... so I decided it was a good time to say hello! HELLO! It's been fun to see what you're up to these days!
Hey, I have to say that I did take some castor oil the night before I went into labor, but it was the children's kind (root beer flavored) & I think one or two teaspoons. I was at my wits end, so I tried everything that night (refer to Amber's comment). I'm not sure that I would do it again 'cause I have heard some horror stories about girls having "rhea" & throwing up while in the middle of labor after having taken it... scary!! And, we all kinda had a feeling that Reed was coming that night anyway. ;)
Well, we sure hope your labor goes well & what not!!