Tuesday, March 18, 2008

HB Amber!!

Happy Birthday to my good friend, Amber Kennedy!!! She turns a whoppin' 26 today...here are a few fun things about her....
*She is a very TALENTED hair dresser*
*She loves all things BAKED, ecspecially cookies....she makes yummy cookies, just calle her B. Crocker.*
*She ALWAYS looks cute & stylish....she has a great sense of style & can find the CUTEST stuff at one of her fav stores, Target.*
*She has always had a strong testimony & has always been an EXAMPLE to me*
*She loves candy (just as much as I do)! In High School every day we would go to the STUDENT STORE & buy three things....1. Chocolate candy bar, 2. Bag of chips, 3. A sweet candy bar(like skittles)....and no we wouldn't share, we would each get our own!! We were porkers...but she never gains an OUNCE!!
*She doesn't take her self too seriously & is fun to be around.*


Andrea said...

Happy Birthday Amber! Hope you have a great day!

amberbuck said...

Awwww! Katie!!! That was so sweet and nice of you to give me a shout out. Funny thing is, all of the things you said about me, I can say the exact same about you. We are two peas in a pod girl. Thanks for being a great friend. BTW, Motherhood has really cute dresses right now, I just got one last night.

Flaherty Fam said...

Happy Birthday, girl! Hope you had a fun day!