Monday, July 30, 2007

Caleb's 1st day of preschool

Caleb had his first day of school today. He goes for 2 hours , Mon-Thurs at the elementary school by our house. He qualified for the speech therapy program so the bus picks him up & drops him off at our house. It is so wonderful! Not to mention it is free. Here he is posing for the camera.....
Like mother like he is eating sweets (they were a bit of a bribe because he did not want me to take his picture anymore!) But, I blame grandma Terol for his MAJOR sweet tooth. :-)
I think I am going to cry next year when he has to go to ALL day kindergarten. I am already dreading that day! What do you ladies think about ALL day Kindergarten?

Sunday, July 22, 2007

A Little Bit of Heaven

This past weekend we went to Showlow & stayed with our friends in their cabin. It was so much fun-we had a blast! I wasn't sure how well Brody was going to do, but he was an angel. Layne golfed all day Saturday, while the mom's & the kids went to the pool. Of course I forgot my swimsuit-so we didn't stay at the pool for very long (much to my boy's dismay). It was a big chore trying to feed Brody, keep the sun off of his face, keep one eye on Carter & the other on Caleb all while I was fully dressed & sweating! We went on a 'treasure hike' to find some treasures the boys could take home. Caleb found a stick & Carter found a rock....its amazing the simple things that keep kids happy.

Friday, July 13, 2007

7 random things

Heres to Julie......and Missy..........

1. I was the youngest person to ever be taken to a Burn Hospital in Utah (of course I forgot the name of the hospital). When I was 5 days old a tired & over worked nurse warmed up the bottle a little too hot & spilled it across my legs. I got 2nd degree burns on both legs. My poor mom used to have to scrub the dead skin off my tiny legs. But hey at least I hardly have any hair growth on my legs!

2. I have a hard time spending money on clothes/accessories but when it comes to decorations for my house I don't even hesitate. Weird, I know. But I think I justify the home decorations by saying "hey everyone can enjoy this". When Barbie & I get together its scary because she is the same way!

3. I am the QUEEN of returns. I will go shopping & buy clothes for myself. Then I get home & decide oh I don't need this....or this doesn't look good, so back to the store it goes!

4. When I am alone in the car, with out the kids I BLAST the radio & jam out like I used to do in the old days. Then I get embarassed when the guy next to me at the stop light is completely staring at me thinking you weirdo,.

5. I am so TONE DEAF! Maybe it was because I played the piano for 8 years on an out of tune piano? When I am singing to the radio in the car Layne likes to turn the music down when I am not looking so he can laugh at how off tune I am. He is so nice to me, I know... :-)

6. I am paranoid about locking the doors! Every night before I go to bed I check each door once(probably twice) to make sure it is locked. I have to keep the boogy man away from my kids.....any when Layne goes out of town, well that is a whole other story.

7. My biggest fear is a tsunami. (good thing we live in AZ). I have reoccurring nightmares that I am on the beach with my kids & a big wave comes & washes us all away. After I saw the Oprah show about how that mom had two boys & had to let one of them go because she couldn't hold on to both of them, you know the one, it has forever haunted me!!!

I tag Jenny, Britney, Megan, Jessica, Steph, Andy & any one else who went to Keller!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

6 years and counting...

Happy Anniversary Layne!! We have been married for six amazing years with an eternity more to go. There is no one I would rather spend my life with. Layne is the best husband & father!! We have been through many great and not so great experiences. We have laughed and cried together (well okay I don't think Layne has ever cried, just me). We have both grown a ton (you can tell by the wedding pics, we look like babies, you know you are getting old when your wedding pics don't look like you any more!) I love you Layne! We are going to the Phoenician this weekend. Thanks Ashley for helping us get a good deal on the hotel! My mom (the best mom ever) is coming over to watch the kids, & I can't wait!! Hello sleeping in!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Lake

We went to Canyon Lake on Tuesday with our friends, the Tilley's. We had a blast. The boys went tubing and Layne did a little wake boarding. Poor Carter did not want me to take a picture of him. I guess he is getting kind of sick the camera. He also did not want to get in to the tube. I just had to take a picture of him crying! Don't worry he eventually warmed up to the idea and had fun!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Heres to you Amber.....

Amber tagged my goes....scroll down to see if you have been tagged!

Jobs I've held:
1. Mega Tan (I was so tan my jr. year, I looked like I was a different race)
2. Hatch Valley Chile Company, waitress
3. Farmers Insurance
4. taxi driver, chef, nurse, cleaning lady, entertainer, (us moms, we do it all)

Places to go for a weekend getaway:
1. Rocky Point
2. Sedona (even though I have never been there-it sounds fun)
3. Any hotel with out kids
4. A tent in the back yard-its free!

Movies I Can Watch Over & Over:
1. Sweet Home Alabama
2. Sixteen Candles (this ones for you Donnie)
3. The Little Mermaid
4. Legally Blonde

My Guilty Pleasures:
1. Anything sweet
2.Reading/watching Hollywood gossip (yes I will admit it I watch the E channel)
3. Drinking out of the milk carton
4. A nice big bubble bath

Places I Have Lived:
1. In the farm house with cockroaches as big as my hand
2. Mesa, Az (the ghetto-as Layne calls it but hey he lived in Coolidge-like he has any room to talk)
3. Gilbert, Az
4. good ol' Queen Creek

What were most likely the first things you thought of when you saw your significant other for the first time?
1. I am going to marry him-I went home from church after I saw him giving a talk & told my parents I saw my future husband.
2. What beautiful eyes he has
3. How will I score a date with him?
4. Tall, dark & handsome!

Places I have Been on Vacation:
1. Mexico City, Mexico
2. New York
3. North Carolina
4. Hawaii

Favorite Foods
1. Mexican
2. Italian
3. Dessert, sweets, goodies, yum-yums, pretty much anything with sugar(no wonder why Amber & I get along so well-we used to go to the student store every day & get something sweet, salty & chocolatey & don't worry we couldn't share, we each got 3 of our own)
4. Fresh fish, shrimp

If in a "jam" with your spouse, what tactics do you use to get out of the doghouse?
1. Make him some good grub
2. Say I am sorry
3. ????????-This is a G rated blog :-)
4. ???????

Websites I visit (almost daily)
2. Blogspot, more than I should
3. Nordies
4. ebay??

Best 1st kisses landmarks.
I can't remember, I never kissed any boys besides my hubby & I can't remember where we first kissed, how sad is that? I have pre-Alzheimer's. :-)

Places I'd Rather Be right now
1.At Last Chance, shopping
2. In my bed sleeping
3. At the beach in Hawaii
4. Eating at the Nordstroms cafe

Now I get to pick 4 other blog buddies to do this!
1. Briene
2. Brooke
3. Stephanie
4. Andrea
5. Donnie

Jammin Jammies

My silly boy Carter. He has this new thing where he loves to wear his jammies & he changes them about 5 times a day. He will go in to his bedroom & pull out every single pajama in the dresser & throw them all on the floor. Then he picks which one he will wear for the next five minutes and he runs around the house pretending to be what ever pj he has on. When he has had enough he changes. I have picked up his pj's like ten times over the last 2 fact they are all on the floor right now. I think I am just going to leave them there. I am sure Layne will love that! But, I am tempted to buy some princess dresses & play dress up with him for probably the only time in my life-because I think I am destined to have all boys!
Jammie #1
Jammie #2
Jammie #3

Thursday, July 5, 2007

The Fourth, Fun & Friends

Happy Birthday America (heehe, I'm a dork)! We had a fun fourth of July this year. We invited some friends over & we bbq'ed and swam all afternoon. I don't think the kids ever got out of the pool, they are like little energizer bunnies-they keep going & going.....The girls(the mom's) didn't hardly get in the pool....except when Layne through me in after I dumped ice cold water on him-nothing like a little case of spouse rivalry. We watched the fireworks in the LeSeuer's back yard(thanks Nate & Brooke). We got eaten alive by mosquito's, but it was well worth it, seeing the excitement in all the kid's faces when each fire work went off. Our FUN neighbors, Heidi & Ryan
Nate & Brooke
Brad, Briene & Brayden

The girls hanging out inside.
Here is Brad reverting back to the good 'old days & being a little crazy! We love you Brad!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Brody's Blessing

We blessed Brody today at church. Layne gave him a beautiful blessing. He said he peeked at Brody during the blessing & he was smiling. I am grateful to have a husband who holds the preisthood.

We had a luncheon at our house after church; here are some pics of the event.

Thank you Andy & Steph for preparing all the food-it wouldn't have happened with out you! Also thanks mom & Kathryn for bringing food too! Love ya!