Friday, July 13, 2007

7 random things

Heres to Julie......and Missy..........

1. I was the youngest person to ever be taken to a Burn Hospital in Utah (of course I forgot the name of the hospital). When I was 5 days old a tired & over worked nurse warmed up the bottle a little too hot & spilled it across my legs. I got 2nd degree burns on both legs. My poor mom used to have to scrub the dead skin off my tiny legs. But hey at least I hardly have any hair growth on my legs!

2. I have a hard time spending money on clothes/accessories but when it comes to decorations for my house I don't even hesitate. Weird, I know. But I think I justify the home decorations by saying "hey everyone can enjoy this". When Barbie & I get together its scary because she is the same way!

3. I am the QUEEN of returns. I will go shopping & buy clothes for myself. Then I get home & decide oh I don't need this....or this doesn't look good, so back to the store it goes!

4. When I am alone in the car, with out the kids I BLAST the radio & jam out like I used to do in the old days. Then I get embarassed when the guy next to me at the stop light is completely staring at me thinking you weirdo,.

5. I am so TONE DEAF! Maybe it was because I played the piano for 8 years on an out of tune piano? When I am singing to the radio in the car Layne likes to turn the music down when I am not looking so he can laugh at how off tune I am. He is so nice to me, I know... :-)

6. I am paranoid about locking the doors! Every night before I go to bed I check each door once(probably twice) to make sure it is locked. I have to keep the boogy man away from my kids.....any when Layne goes out of town, well that is a whole other story.

7. My biggest fear is a tsunami. (good thing we live in AZ). I have reoccurring nightmares that I am on the beach with my kids & a big wave comes & washes us all away. After I saw the Oprah show about how that mom had two boys & had to let one of them go because she couldn't hold on to both of them, you know the one, it has forever haunted me!!!

I tag Jenny, Britney, Megan, Jessica, Steph, Andy & any one else who went to Keller!


Chelsea Bevans said...

Hey Katie, this is Chelsea Bevans. I got to your blog through Amy Wolsey's. Congrats on your baby! He is so cute. Seems like everything is going good for you guys! It was fun to read and catch up on your blog!

Jenny Grover said...

Sorry I went to Keller so I don't know how to spell. type or read! I am home so we need to still get together for your birthday! Maybe Monday?

Missy said...

Loved all your facts, they were all so you! I am also a total geek and blast my music/jam out in the car. Then when I get to a stoplight, I turn it down so I look much cooler. I also shop and shop and then get home and return. That was one of the random things I forgot to list. It really can get embarrasing, especially when the item you return is less than $5. I always tell Mark how grateful he should be that he married me for that reason alone! So make sure you remind Layne of that...Ok?

Suzy Cummard said...

You are so cute & funny.
I am glad the boogy man can not get in!
The man next to you in the car is checkin' you out girl! He can not believe you have 3 kids!